President Biden with a stack of executive orders.
President Biden is NOT a Moderate. If you had said that during the election, he and his party would have vehemnlty denied it. He promised to “reach across the isle”. He said that a President who used executive orders was acting like a dictator, and that he would work with the Congress and the senate to make laws and not force policy via presidential edict. He wanted to represent “All Americans”. Well clearly by his own definition he is a dictator with only the Covid relief package passed in a totally partisan basis, and more orders than any president in living memory. Next on the agenda is new and increased taxes, restrictive gun laws, relaxation of voting laws and D.C statehood. These will be rammed through with no thought to the other half of America, who are not in line with the “progressive” agenda. Clearly now, those moderates who voted for Biden, thinking he would normalize politics to some extent, can see they could not have been more wrong.
He is clearly either in agreement with the progressive wing of the democratic party or controlled by them. It is hard to tell which, maybe a little of both. In any case the hope of our leadership listening the majority of Americans, doing more to help the parties learn to communicate and compromise is gone. This has been replaced with statements like “Well we tried and they don’t want to so were going to do it without them” and jam the policies through. What he is also saying is that he does not care what anyone in the middle or the right thinks. He and the Democratic Party are going to abuse the power they now have as, rapidly as they can and to the greatest extent possible. They have to do this before the midterm elections.
Make sure you note these things when it comes time for the midterm elections. Many now have buyers remorse. Common sense dictates that these policies are not what moderate, non-progressives want. Remember our current leader does not do as he promises, and does not care about reaching across the aisle, not to mention considering what more moderate people want. The progressive agenda is bad for Americans, unless you think we need to be a socialist nation. Stand up, make sure you are heard and make sure you vote in the midterms.
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